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» Latest version of the Study of the Macroeconomic Impact of Renewable Energie in Spain (by APPA-Deloitte) available online
In times of difficult economic and political framework conditions for renewable energies in general and in Spain in particular (with the temporarily freeze of any support for new installations based on renewable energies (RES) it is of crucial importance that the benefits of renewable energies should be analyzed in depth and communicated to the key stakeholders and policy makers at national and European level. We are therefore very pleased to enclose the latest version of the study of the macroeconomic impact of renewable energies in Spain (with 2010 data) in its English edition.
We sincerely believe that the results show the reality of the renewable energy sector and we trust that the content and major findings of the study will serve to more accurately demonstrate the very positive overall macroeconomic impact of renewable energies in our country. Everything you can do to promulgate this study and that civil society gets to know our reality will benefit all.
As a brief resume, just a few key figures of the 2011/12 version of the study:
- Number of jobs in the Spanish RES sector: 111,455
- Overall contribution of RES to the Spanish GDP: 9.998,3 billion € being 0.94% of Spain’s GDP (6.744,0 billion € as direct contribution and 3.254,3 billion € as indirect contribution to the Spanish GDP)
- Costs of the support scheme: 5.342 billion € vs. following avoided costs:
- 2.302 billion € for avoided fossil fuel imports,
- 467 million € for avoided GHG emissions;
- Cost saving of the wholesale market price for electricity: 4.847,2 billion € (or 21.92 €/MWh)
- Savings in public health costs for the amount of 160 million €.
- Annual grid investments of the RES sector to connect to the electricity grids: 167 million €
- Investments in R&D and innovation: 302.8 M€
- Avoided GHG emissions: 32.287 million tons of CO2eq
- Avoided fossil fuel imports: 12.604 Mt
- Export balance surplus: 657.0 M€
- Fiscal balance surplus: 747.6 M€
Comparison between costs and benefits of renewable energies within the Spanish macro-economy (Source: APPA/Deloitte 2011)
You can download the English version from our website under the following link:
Spanish version