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Nuevas publicaciones de KPMG para el negocio

KPMG Sp. z o.o

  • Agregado 06 octubre 2020
  • ·

Les animamos a leer las recientes publicaciones de KPMG, entre ellas: aplicación TPR Assistant para preparar el formulario TPR, el proyectos del CIT de estonia consultado en el parlamento polaco. 



Application [PL]: TPR Assistant - an application that allows you to quickly and easily prepare and send a TPR form


Report [EN]: Real estate in the new reality


Tax Alert [PL]: Draft amendments to the income tax acts in order to tighten the tax system


Tax Alert [PL]: The Estonian CIT project has been submitted to the Sejm


Tax Alert [PL]: Extension of the deadline for applications for subsidies to wages from FGŚP


Tax Summary of the Week [PL]: 14.09 - 21.09.2020

Free online events



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Register for the webcast [PL] about Tax inspections and proceedings - current trends and predictions for the future. Webcast goes live on 14 October 2020 at 11:00 AM.

Check information about upcoming and archive webcasts on

Current KPMG publications


Report [PL]: New reality: the consumer in the COVID-19 era. How have Poles' shopping habits changed?


Magazine [PL]: CITpoint | September 2020


Report [EN]: KPMG 2020 CEO Outlook: COVID-19 Special Edition


Report [EN]: Quarterly Brief | Q3 2020


Report [EN]: Banking in the new reality. Six trends shaping the industry


Research [PL]: Posting of workers


Report [PL]: The perspective of audit committees during the COVID-19 pandemic


Report [PL]: Automotive branch. Edition Q3 / 2020


Report [PL]: Control comes at price


Magazine [EN]: Frontiers in Finance


KPMG Report [EN]: Consumers and the new reality