A ranking of the top 40 policy experts with influence in EU Energy Union policy was unveiled at a debate on the “State of the Energy Union one year after its launch”, organised by the EurActiv Institute. » más
El Ministro polaco de Finanzas, el Sr. Paweł Szałamacha, se reunó el día 24 de febrero de 2016 con los representantes de las 13 cámaras de comercio bilaterales que representan a los más grandes empresarios extranjeros en el mercado polaco. En total, las 13 cámaras afilian más que 3500 empresas que crean empleo para alrededor de 1,5 millones de personas en Polonia.
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Seven Member States represent around three-quarters of total EU agricultural output. Spain is one of the largest agricultural producers in the European Union. » más
Over the whole year 2015, GDP rose by 1.5% in the euro area and by 1.8% in the EU28.
Spain: GDP percentage change compared with the same quarter of the previous year Q4 2015 +3.5% » más
El día 19 de febrero de 2016 se celebró la reunión del Consejo del Centro Internacional de Mediación que opera en las cámaras de comercio internacionales.
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The Ministry of Development has published preliminary data on the Polish foreign trade in 2015.
Year 2015 brought extremely positive results of foreign trade. For the first time - since the turnover in euro terms has benn recorded - the value of exports (178.7 billion) exceeded the level of imports (175 billion euros). » más
There is a breath of spring in this year’s European attractiveness survey. After much anticipation, investors seem convinced that Europe has at last broken free from recession and is finding a path to sustainable growth. » más
The 6 billion invested into Poland has to be seen as part of an on going move of production eastwards and the growth of the Polish domestic consumer market. » más
EL sector del comercio al por menor representa el 5% del PIB español, proporcionando a la vez empleo a más de 2 millones de personas. En 2015 este sector de la economía española creció un 3,6% en comparación con el año anterior. » más
Índice Global de Competitividad (IGC)
En Europa, España, Italia, Portugal y Francia hicieron avances significativos en la mejora de la competitividad. Gracias a los paquetes de reformas para mejorar el funcionamiento de los mercados, España e Italia suben dos y seis puestos, respectivamente. » más
La Cámara de Comercio Polaco-Española participó en una serie de encuentros de los representantes de las cámaras bilaterales y la Comisión de Contratación Pública que opera en AHK (Cámara de Comercio Polaco-Alemana) durante las cuales se discutieron propuestas de cambios de la Ley de Contratación Pública. » más
La Rioja, the Community of Madrid and Navarre are the best places in Spain for doing business, says the World Bank Group’s Doing Business in Spain report, But other locations in the country also do well on one or more measures of doing business, as large variations in time, cost and regulatory requirements exist in the 17 regions and 2 autonomous cities covered by the report. » más
European Union member states agreed on a European Commission proposal to invest €217 million in key trans-European energy infrastructure projects, mainly in Central and South Eastern Europe. » más
The USA remains at the top of the ranking as a result of its strong business efficiency and financial sector, its innovation drive and the effectiveness of its infrastructure. Hong Kong (2) and Singapore (3) move up overtaking Switzerland, which drops to fourth place.
Spain`s recovery (39 to 37) also comes on a strong performance in business efficiency.Spain gains 63.542 points. » más
The European Single Procurement Document (ESPD), which aims to simplify the tendering process for EU public contracts for authorities and suppliers, has been formally adopted by the European Commission (EC). » más