Junio 2011, The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

PHIG.pl » Consejos de expertos » Junio 2011, The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Publicación 02 junio 2011
  • Modificado 2011-08-05 13:06:46


The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) defined as a voluntary activity of a company in the scope of ethics, the environment and society is becoming a subject of interest of the governments of many countries.
On 15 February 2011 the Spanish Parliament enacted the Act of Law that stipulates the obligation of reporting on the CSR indications by companies. In this way for some Spanish companies the CSR is going to be a mandatory integral part of their business activity and will cease to be only a voluntary activity.


The mandatory CSR reporting in Spain:


  • Since: 2012
  • By whom: companies that are state-owned, companies with public subsidies, private companies with over 1000 employees
  • To whom: The Council of Corporate Social Responsibility at the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Immigration (Consejo Estatal de Responsabilidad Social de las Empresas/CERSE)
  • Aim – to promote the implementation of CSR activities in companies. The Act of Law provides guidelines for reporting and communication information of other than financial nature as one of the tools for the company management
  • What – the issues of corporate governance and CSR activities, completed within a year, which evidence specific indicators
  • Expectations – reports should contain also action plans in relation to sustainability, companies have to evidence the completion of those action plans in subsequent reports


Further information on the Act of Law that stipulates the mandatory CSR reporting in Spain and CSR trends in Europe is available in version PDF.

Please contact us if you have any questions.
CSR Accreo Taxand Team

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