Noticias » Noticias » Webinar: Polski Ład. How it impacts your business?

Webinar: Polski Ład. How it impacts your business?

  • Fecha de evento 19 enero 2022
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  • Publicación 08 enero 2022
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During the webinar we will discuss the key changes announced as part of the Polish New Deal which are important from a business perspective. We will also be happy to discuss any doubts and answer any questions during the meeting.



Together with our member company NGL Tax we cordially invite you to the webinar


Polski Ład. How it impacts your business?

19th of January, 2022, h. 10:00 - 12:00


Polski Ład - the tax changes, referred to as the "Polish Deal" will have large impact on businesses in 2022. They concern not only the most frequently commented on in the media PIT taxation and settlement rules for individuals, but also introduce a number of novelties for businesses, both large and small. Consequently, for many of you the New Deal may necessitate changes in your business organisation, involve additional burdens or give you the opportunity to take advantage of tax reliefs.


The key issues that we will specifically discuss during the meeting are:

  • The so-called "minimum tax" CIT
  • Changes concerning capital groups (e.g. holding company regime)
  • Reliefs for business
  • Introduction of so-called VAT groups
  • Changes in VAT regarding taxation of financial services
  • Changes in PIT relevant to entrepreneurs
  • Other important issues 

Speaker: Bartosz Sankiewicz, Partner, NGL TAX



Language: English.


Participation is free of charge.

The organizers reserve the right to reject applications from entities with competitive profiles.